Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bad Guys Don't Wear Diapers and They Don't Wear Underwear Either!

OK, so you know it's potty training time when your 2 year old tells you that "Bad guys don't wear underwear and they don't wear diapers either". But, they can wear batman capes, carry pink purses and wear fluffy slippers! The good news is, that all this nakedness is also helping Owen potty train himself. He has not had a single accident while in his "Bad Guy" gear. (Thanks Henry for introducing Owen to bad guys!!!)

Owen has also moved Sam to idol status. If we tell Owen that we love him he responds with "I love Sam." If I need him to go to the potty I have Sam ask him! Sam is not quite sure what to make of all this attention from Owen. Sam was very kind this morning though and had "Special time with Owen" where they played Lego men together.

Here is a picture of "Owen the bad Guy Bingham".


Laurel Lee said...

So funny! I'm really looking forward to spending some time with Owen in just a few months!

Tammy Rowlings said...

That is so funny, I'm glad spending time with his cousins has paid off..... notice he still has the dummy though!!!So cute!!

The Kings said...

oh that is so cute. Nice that he looks up to Sam so much - bit like Harri with Jalen. It drives Jay mad at times though.