In the past month our family has been showing up in the local papers and on the local TV stations!
On April 12 we went to a local preschool meeting to present letters and a petition requesting that the school board reverse their decision to cancel the preschool that Owen and Ella attended this past year. The preschool is at a highschool were the "teachers" are actually highschool students taking early childhood education. The preschool has been a highlight of our time in Augusta and it's very sad for us to think that Ella and Owen may be the last class of a preschool that has been running for 20+ years. After the meeting was over a reporter from one of the local preschool stations was outside and we were on the news later that evening! The kids were very excited.
Click on this link to check out the story online. If you look very, very carefully you can see Sam, Ella and Owen in the backrgound. Here is another picture of that night.

The next week, the picture Ella drew below was feature on the morning weather report. She got to go with Chris to the TV station to pick up a prize. She drew this picture preschool and her teacher sent it in. It's a picture of her and her preschool teacher Mrs McGough (the real teacher in the classrom). What is sad is that MrsMcGough won't have a job next school year because they are cancelling her class.

The really big news for our family though is that Chris won a fellowship in advanced implant surgery. I'm really proud of Chris. This is the biggest award his professional organization gives out each year. It means that we will be staying in Georgia for one more year. Below is a copy of an article about it in his school newspaper. His name also appeared in he local Augusta newspaper as well.