Ella turned 3 on Saturday. She has been so excited about the big day and loves to remind us what a big girls she is. It seems like she should have been 3 a while ago. And at times she can act like she's 13 not 3! Some things I love about Ella -
- Her spicy personality
- Her made-up words. For example, "cutters" for scissors and "up shoes" for high heel shoes. She refuses to be told that her words are not the right ones.
- The way she eats her pancakes and waffles with lemon juice ("lemonade") and no sugar and doesn't even wince.
- She is such a girly-girl
Some pictures below from the big day. She was so tired out at the end of the day that she just sat and watched her friends hit the pinata. She then feel sound asleep at 5:30pm and did not wake up until the next morning.
Getting ready to open her presents. She had to wait until Owen woke up which was about an hour or more after she woke up..

Reading some of her new stories with Dad..

Blowing our the candles on her birthday cake at her butterfly themed birthday party. She had about 6 little 2 & 3 year old girls at the party.

Chris doing a great job on crowd control

Ella gave her dummy (pacifier) away to the birthday fairy to give to a new baby the day after her birthday. We've been preparing her for months for this big event. She was quite happy about it all until it was time to go to sleep on Sunday night.

Ella asleep Sunday night without her dummy and a present waiting for her to open the next morning from the birthday fairy to say thanks for giving up her dummy

The present was a small blanket. She has a big one made by her Auntie Laurel-Lee and calls it her baby. Laurel-Lee also made her two small ones, both of which got lost. The last one was lost at the Science Center in Calgary back in May. Ella was soooo excited with her gift and told us that the Birthday Fairy had found her little baby and brought it to her here in Georgia. We had one happy little girl and she has not asked for her dummy once. And I am so glad to see the dummy gone!!